5 reasons why Cyberpunk 2077 is worth playing in 2023

Publish date: 2024-08-18

The vast majority of fans were let down by the problematic launch of Cyberpunk 2077. This is attributed to CD Project Red's reputation, especially after Witcher 3: Wild Hunt considered one of this generation's best games. The game’s saving grace was Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, the Netflix anime series that propelled the game back to popularity.

Fast forward to 2023, and CD Projekt Red has ironed out the game with many patches, alongside releasing the 2.0 update, and the Phantom Liberty expansion. As of now, despite some issues, Cyberpunk 2077 definitely manages to deliver its value.

Unique weapons and 4 other reasons that make Cyberpunk 2077 attractive to gamers in 2023

Players can pick up the game on sale and will enjoy the game for the following upsides:

1) Great immersion and aesthetics

The crowning achievement of Cyberpunk 2077 is Night City. The city is flashy, neon-fueled, and gritty, and every alley drips with the atmosphere. The megabuildings, over-the-top ads, and futuristic vehicles add depth to the game. Verticality is another huge immersion factor. The Megabuilding HQ, the starting hideout, is a mammoth building several stories tall and depicts the economic state of the residents.

2) Top-notch voice acting

Cyberpunk 2077’s shortcomings can be overshadowed by its great writing and ensemble of characters. Every character is expertly voice-acted and stands out on their own. Both genders of the protagonist ‘V’ deliver lines that match the tone and the events happening in the game. Keanu Reeves also does a great job with his constant banter with the player. Supporting characters like ripper doc Viktor, Judy, Panam, and V’s best pal Jackie elevate the story.

3) Unique weapons

The weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 are fun to play around with. Smart weapons that auto-target an enemy, in particular, are great for massacring gangs around Night City. Reloading animations, weapon sounds, and weapon handling adds a layer of uniqueness to them. Many melee weapons like knives, machetes, batons, katanas, and more exist. Players can even wreak havoc with cybernetically enhanced melee weapons like the mantis blades, the monowire, gorilla arms, and projectile launchers.

4) Futuristic vehicles

Vehicles in the game are one of a kind. CD Projekt Red’s decision to make this game first-person shines in this regard. Every car has a unique dashboard design that oozes style and futuristic tones. The snazzy doors, digital speedometers, and classy steering wheels all add to the immersion in the game. Players can splurge their eddies (Eurodollars) on fast hypercars, sleek motorcycles, and even off-road vehicles that handle better in the Badlands region of the map.

5) Variety of combat options

Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't restrict players from sticking to any one combat style. Players can go in guns blazing or hack their way across levels by overloading enemy circuits. There are skill trees and perks that further enhance that particular skill tree. Players are not hard-locked into following a single approach in any scenario. Perks are rewarded for every action in the game, which further level up that skill tree. For example, if players wish to go stealthy, every silent takedown rewards XP that, when filled, gives one perk point.

Final Thoughts

Players going in with unreal expectations won’t get much out of Cyberpunk 2077. This game is not the deepest or the most innovative RPG of this generation, but it is a good action-adventure game. Players will get their money’s worth if they pick this up in a sale. With tons of free content, patches, and a handful of quests, the game is packed with content.

Cyberpunk 2077 is worth playing in 2023 with the release of its latest 2.0 patch and Phantom Liberty expansion. The main story lasts for about 25 hours and players looking to experience all the side content will have to set aside 50-60 hours of their time. One can only hope CD Projekt Red can learn from the debacle and improve on this foundation in the sequel. Fans of Cyberpunk 2077 can soon dive back into Night City when the game’s DLC Cyberpunk: Phantom Liberty arrives sometime in 2023.

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