How to get Postparty wrap in Chapter 4

Publish date: 2024-08-08

Postparty wrap is another free Fortnite reward that can be obtained for a limited time. Once again, Epic Games has teamed up with Life on Air to bring another mobile app for Fortnite players.

Like Houseparty, an app that allows players to video chat with their teammates during a Fortnite Battle Royale match, Postparty also integrates with the video game. This time, however, the app allows players to capture and share their best gaming clips.

Players who decide to give the new app a shot will be rewarded with the Postparty wrap. Epic Games will also grant an exclusive Postparty spray to all eligible players.

How to unlock Postparty wrap in Fortnite Chapter 4

The Postparty wrap can be obtained by downloading the new app (Image via Epic Games)

Postparty is a new app that allows Fortnite players to save and capture their clips easily. Besides the Battle Royale mode, players can also use the app to save their Creative mode clips. However, it cannot be used in the Save the World mode.

While gaming consoles and PCs have recording systems, Postparty makes clipping and sharing very simple and easy. Additionally, players can easily save all of their eliminations with in-game prompts.

Players who use the app will receive the Postparty wrap, and here are the steps you need to follow to obtain it:

1) Download the Postparty app

To get the Postparty wrap, you will first have to download the new app to your phone (Image via Google Play)

To obtain the exclusive Fortnite wrap, you must first download the Postparty app. The free app only requires around 60 MB of free space on your mobile device.

The app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, or Samsung Galaxy Store.

2) Sign up with your Epic Games account

Your Epic Games account needs to be connected to Postparty (Image via Epic Games)

Once you download the app, you must sign up using your Epic Games account. Considering that the Fortnite developer is affiliated with the app, you don't have to worry about the security of your account.

If you have multiple Fortnite accounts, you must log in with the correct one you frequently play on.

3) Capture a clip

You can easily capture a clip with the app (Image via Wikimedia Commons)

Once you launch Fortnite, you can easily save a clip by pressing your platform's capture key. This will save the last 30 seconds of your gameplay and save it to your Postparty app.

Here is the capture key on every platform:

4) Share the clip

To unlock the Postparty wrap, you need to share your clip (Image via Epic Games)

Once you share your first Fortnite clip from the Postparty app, you will receive the Post That! wrap and Postparty Confetti spray. These two cosmetic items will appear in your locker the next time you join the lobby.

The Postparty wrap is available for a limited time, although Epic Games doesn't specify when it expires. However, if you like exclusive items, you should obtain them as soon as possible.

The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 soon! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!

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